Follow the water diet for your health and fitness
The body is made up 65 percent of water, so it is necessary to maintain always moistened. For the wholesale benefits of water, We will inform readers “What woman needs” these benefits in the following:
water diet for your health and fitness
water diet for your health and fitness
Water expels toxins from the body through the urination process, also carries nutrients to cells and prevents dehydration. In turn, the burning of calories requires sufficient amounts of water, as the latter helps the body metabolism and burning fat and plays a major role in promoting the cells, in addition to tissues and organs in the body. Note that the water is free of calories , fat, and cholesterol.
Also see:Water Diet benefits to lose 5 kilos in just a week
What is the amount of water we need in a day?
– Water consumption rate should not be less about 8 cups per day or a cup per 9 kg of body weight. For example: If a person weighing 72.5 kg, it needs to 8 glasses of water a day.
– Drink more water, when you exercise.
– Make sure to compensate your body the lost water through sweating and breathing and disposal of waste , especially during the disease.
– Drink plenty of fluids when feeling tired and if the disease.
water diet for your health and fitness
– Drink plenty of water, especially during pregnancy, you may need to drink the amount of not less than two liters a day to combat constipation. If you are breastfeeding, drinking plenty of fluids helps milk flow. Let it be your goal 3 liters of water a day, drinking a glass of water after each feeding process to help maintain hydration.
Note: Perhaps the best indicator of how much to drink enough water is out of the urine-colored pale yellow or pure. In contrast, dark color of urine indicates dehydration of the body.
water diet for your health and fitness
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