Balanced Diet to fight stress & anxiety
Most people are suffering from stress nowadays; it is known that the balanced diet raises the serotonin rate on the body, and thus reduces the level of stress hormones, as cortisone and adrenaline also enhances immunity. So, Nutrition specialist “Crystal Pedrosaan” present you these advice in order to control the tension to eat:
Balanced Diet
Balanced Diet
– Complex carbohydrates (whole grains): it helps body to digest foods slowly. On the other hand, it is advisable to be away of the simple carbohydrate as desserts which raise the level of serotonin quickly, but that does not last long.
An indication that having snack rich with complex carbohydrates, before going to sleep, will increase the serotonin rate, and help to get healthy sleep.
– Citrus: they are rich in vitamin C, which helps to alleviate the stress hormone in the body, and enhances the body’s immunity.
– Spinach: The magnesium lack in the body will cause headaches and fatigue, so a cup of cooked spinach increases the magnesium rate. As you can replace spinach in any kind of green vegetables, or salmon filet or cooked soybeans.
– Fatty fish: try eating fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, twice a week at least, for being rich in omega _3, which helps in control the sharp tension , and prevent the symptoms of depression or drawbacks associated with menstruation.
Balanced Diet
– Black tea: latest study demonstrate that individuals who drank four cups of tea for 6 weeks, enjoyed the level of less Cortisol tension during the period, compared to the others who drink another kind of drinks.
– Peanuts: Peanut is a good source of healthy fats, so try eating a grip of it a day to ease the Cortisol and inflammation of the arteries, and to avoid the symptoms of stress, without over-punch, due to its richness in calories.
– Avocado: Half a grain of avocados is containing big quantity of potassium, which helps to adjust the pressure level in the body.
– Almonds: it is rich in vitamin E, and enhances the immune system. Eat a quarter cup of it daily as Snack, in order to reduce tension.
– Milk: A glass of hot skimmed milk include a significant proportion of the calcium, which improves mood.
– Herbal Supplements: Herbal supplements help relieve tension and nervousness, among them “St. John’s Wort”.
Balanced Diet
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