Important tips to enjoy fresh body smell throughout the day
Women are always concerned with the issue of personal hygiene and enjoy the refreshing smell, but it may be difficult during the summer period which is characterized by high temperature, Here are the top tips to enjoy the fresh smell throughout the day:
fresh body smell
fresh body smell
Add salt and soap bubbles to the bath water, in order to enjoy the clean, pure fresh body the whole day. you can also use a liquid bath shower gel with the smell of pure nature, such as Burberry or from any perfumes brand such as Body shop.
Apply the freshener lotion on your body, that will work to give you lovely and good smell, As you can also use a scented body powder instead of your ordinary deodorant, because the powder last longer and it’s more healthier.
Try to get rid of your body hair as possible as you can, As the body, which is free of excess hair , makes you get benefit of your favorite fragrance longer and longer.
Be sure to clean your clothes before wearing them , you can sprinkle them with a freshener spray. Here’s a good and simple tip, Make a small cotton sacks and fill it with natural scented , dried flowers and put among your pants and other clothes pieces.
fresh body smell
Use a special perfume , which is dedicated to hair, – Available with well known brands- as it’s so healthy to your hair. Use a lipstick with a fine odor. Follow these steps and You will get a clean and lovely scent throughout the whole day.
fresh body smell
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