Eggs Mask for long and shiny hair
Do you suffer from short hair that grow slowly or not growing at all? then, the eggs mask will fits you very much, as it’s rich on natural components which will feed your hair from the roots and will not cause it any harm.
Eggs Mask for long and shiny hair
Eggs Mask for long and shiny hair
The mask components:
Egg yolk
Tablespoon of olive oil
Cup of water
How to prepare:
– Mix ingredients in a bowl
– Put them in a cooking pot on the fire with constant stirring for a short period of time.
– Put the mixture in a bowl that you can conserve it in order to use it constantly.
Eggs Mask for long and shiny hair
How to use:
After a shower and washing hair well, Add a little of this mask according the length of your hair after heating it a bit, leave the mask without washing it, do not be afraid of its smell, it will become more like the smell of butter. After half an hour you can wash your hair.
Apply this mixture directly on your hair an hour before your bathroom time and wash well and you will get the same result. Dry your hair using hair dryer ,you will find your hair has become very smooth, with the continuously use of this mask once a week will give you a long hair with the passage of time.
Eggs Mask for long and shiny hair
The post Eggs Mask for long and shiny hair appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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