Fenugreek reduces hair loss in just one month
Fenugreek is a medicinal plant, emerged at the old medicine, especially among the people of the Pharaohs and the Greeks for the body heating in the winter and purified the body of toxins, as well as increase the appetite and strengthen the weak bodies. In modern beauty medicine, Fenugreek has a lot of benefits, the various studies have shown that this plant contains a lot of antioxidants, elements such as copper, iron, zinc, lecithin which helps to strengthen hair growth very quickly.
Fenugreek reduces hair loss
Fenugreek reduces hair loss
In order to prepare this mixture you need to bring the following things:
½ cup of fenugreek seeds
Two cups of water
Coconut Oil
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Fenugreek reduces hair loss
Now we came to the Preparation stage: Put the Fenugreek in a bowl with water and leave until the next morning. The next day, strain the Fenugreek water, then put the Fenugreek with the coconut oil in a blender. When the mixture is made up, apply it on your hair for half an hour and then wash with shampoo. Repeat this process two days a week for a month and you will observe magical result. hope you like it and apply this natural homemade recipe in order to protect your hair form damage and loss.
Fenugreek reduces hair loss
The post Fenugreek reduces hair loss in just one month appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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