The Darkening lips- causes and best treatment
We are all trying to get rosy lips to reflect your health and your youth. But many of our daily habits, such as smoking, coffee, tea, and exposure to sunlight may change the lip color since it is one of the common problems that cause embarrassment to many women, because the lips of the most beautiful landmarks in women, and the most noticeable to her face.
The Darkening lips
The Darkening lips
“What woman needs” is going to explain to you the reasons and the factors leading to the blackening of lips and how to prevent and the latest methods of treatment?
Causes of the dark lips
There are many different reasons for the darkening of the lips, but we will address the most common, which are:
The genetic factor gene.
Hormonal changes: during pregnancy or while receiving hormonal therapy or high or malfunction of the hormones for a reason or another.
Medicines: Some medicines cause discoloration and change in skin color, a pill to prevent pregnancy or chemical and other treatments.
Exposure to the sun: it is most common in women with dark skin.
Lip shoddy care products cause allergic reactions of the lips and thus discolored.
Drought: lack of drinking a lot of liquids leads to constant licking lips and result in the darkening of the lips.
Smoking: It is the most common and the most important causes darkening skin.
Drinking coffee and tea in large quantities. as caffeine lead to dark lips after a period of time.
Allergens materials as perfumes and dyes.
The Darkening lips
Methods of Treatment:
– Include prevention and to refrain from the most important reasons for the darkening of the lips, such as smoking, caffeine, and exposure to the sun without protecting your lips.
– Attention by drinking adequate amounts of water every day.
– Moisturize lips continuously with glycerol or any of lips moisturizers .
Careful to use the good sunscreen.
Stay away from skin irritants and use of shoddy make-up or lip creams care.
Whitening creams and peeling not have a great interest in the process of lightening lips, and would not recommend using it.
Laser (MEDLINE, QS-NDYAG) is very effective and safe in removing pigmentation of the lips, you may need to several sessions depending on the status of each patient, but the result is effective and very satisfactory and recommended. Finally, We would not advise of applying lips Tattoos, because of its side effects.
The Darkening lips
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