Top reasons prevent you from losing weight
You are doing your best to achieve the perfect weight and lose and burn fats, but you find that you don’t achieve this. Are you looking for the hidden and unexpected reasons that may prevent you reach the goal, perfect weight, or the slimy body, that you want. Here are some of them.
losing weight
losing weight
Eating a lot of green salads, as Contrary as you believed, eating a large amount of green salad may prevent you from weight loss, this may lead to your acquiring additional kilograms. How so? There are many reasons:
You may find it difficult to eat salad without adding some salt to it and some flavorings such as olive oil, healthy oil, but emitters to gain weight in the case it has been taken up daily. or it may be as a result that, The lack of protein in your diet, which is available in eggs, fish, meat, may cause of feeling tired and lose your muscle and may form fats on your body.
If you tend to eat less amount and leaving your rest food. Always remember this rule: If you left your table while you feel hungry, there is no doubt that you are going to adopt to eat along the interval between the main meals. In this case, you usually choose foods which cause weight gain as cheese, salted biscuits or sweet, chocolate, … The solution is that you should eat the needed amount that you need to eat during meals, you have just tended to fruit in case you feel hungry during the daylight hours.
losing weight
Although a large amount of fruit juice is rich in vitamins, the natural juices extracted from the fruit is not always a loyal friend of fitness. They contain a large number of calories, just as is the case of soft drinks, sweet, but not added to the sugar. Also, the intake of these juices doesn’t make you feel full. So, we give you this advice: If you are going to lose excess weight, eat fresh fruits that give you a sense of fullness. not the juice.
Another enemy of fitness is allocated for diet drinks. Of course, is a good alternative for those that contain added sugar. However, the intake of which two cups a day stimulates the pancreas to secrete more insulin or a hormone that promotes fat storage process and slows down its burning. these drinks increase the feeling of hunger. So, it is better to replace all these harmful drinks with pure water.
losing weight
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