3 Simple Homemade slimming recipes to lose 10 kilograms a month
We offer you today natural slimming recipes without any side effects to achieve desirable slimming. Where obesity is considered one of the most common problems at the present time, we live in a consumer’s life encourage to excessive eating one hand, and the negligence of the other sports, causing millions of obesity, and make more millions susceptible to it, is known, of course, the risk of obesity on physical, psychological, and sexual health of the individual.
Homemade slimming recipes
Homemade slimming recipes
If you are worried about weight gain, or are interested in some of the loss, in this article we will try to help you get rid of a few kilograms without causing any harmful side effects, and through three of proven slimming recipes , homemade slimming recipes to lose 10 km
First slimming recipe of cumin drink
Cumin is a rich source of natural fibers, and appetite suppressant.
Lemon is rich in antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and fights the signs of aging.
Honey gives instant energy, strengthens the immune system .
Small tablespoons of cumin seeds.
A cup and a half of water.
Small tablespoons of honey.
Keep cumin seeds in water, then put it on medium heat until well boiling.
Drain cumin seeds, then drink sweetened with honey.
You can add a few drops of lemon juice to this drink.
it should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning, preferably a warm drink on an empty stomach.
Homemade slimming recipes
The second recipe of green curry leaves
Wash 7-8 green Carey leaves, and then eat them in the morning.
After eating, drink a glass of warm water.
Curry leaves working to reduce blood cholesterol and contribute to burn fat effectively.
Third slimming recipe of apple cider vinegar
Ingredients :
Teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
Cup of warm water.
Teaspoon of honey.
Honey and vinegar added to a cup of warm water and stir ingredients well.
Drink vinegar recipe twice a day half an hour before lunch and dinner.
Vinegar helps to digest proteins on the one hand, and break down fats on the other hand. and helps to speed up the metabolism. as well as it works to get rid of the toxins stored in the body.
Homemade slimming recipes
The post 3 Simple Homemade slimming recipes to lose 10 kilograms a month appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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