Top Healthy weight tips after giving birth
Ideal weight and slim body is the dream of every woman, so women are scrambling to diets to reduce weight and some of them turn for exercises and others are competent for the gym centers, however, recently has appeared a new direction for slimming and change the shape of the body through mental exercises and the use of the effect of hypnosis to influence the unconscious mind. those terms may seem strange, but it has become popular recently by energy trainers and therapists, in the following lines , some steps to reach an ideal weight, especially after pregnancy and childbirth , join us and try besides your traditional instructions:
Healthy weight tips after giving birth
Healthy weight tips after giving birth
1. The most important step is to love yourself and your body now and accept it as it is at the moment, praise yourself and your body , Say “I love myself unconditionally and accept it”, and you say to yourself I always deserve fitness, as it will it much easier for you to command.
2. Be gratitude for your body now and for all around you who enjoyed lithe body , wish them good luck and success ,when you see or met people who have a perfect body, do not be annoyed.
3. Bring paper and a red pen and limit the weight you want it and Write down, for example, now I weigh 70 kilograms.
4. Bring another paper and black pen and Write down all the negative attitude for your body and your weight, and Write down all your fears, for example, if you have a belief that it is impossible that you get a belly tight (black pen), write a front but in other paper (by red) by which determine the weight, I have a belly tight, if you write in black , that you can not resist fatty meals , write in the other paper with a red pen I’ve got a strong will and always eat healthy meals.
Healthy weight tips after giving birth
5. Imagine your desired weight that you want to achieve, with every details, abdomen, buttocks, leg and arm form, and the more you thought , the more you explained the picture more of the subconscious mind because it does not differentiate between fact and fiction, and when your imagination see the new and how you think about your body , it will work on your access to the same form in which you just imagine.
6. Put the questions to your subconscious mind every day before going to sleep, such as how to get the weight you want or how to get to it? these questions are useful for the subconscious mind, as they is motivated it to help you.
7. imagine that your friends and family are praising you after reaching an ideal weight and Imagine the reaction of each individual you know. Whenever more detailed imagination , whenever attracted you to the ideal weight easier .
8. Hang a picture of someone you like and adopt to be like him\ her, and make yourself on his place and always in front of you for a period of forty days , or you can Hang a picture of you two years ago before you lose your fitness.
Healthy weight tips after giving birth
The post Top Healthy weight tips after giving birth appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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