3 Delicious soups for a healthy diet
Do you search for delicious food during your diet that you are currently follow? “What woman needs” will provide you with three delicious soups that you can add them to your diet to enjoy theirs delicious taste on one hand, and to lose weight on the other hand.
Delicious soups for a healthy diet
Delicious soups for a healthy diet
1. Meat soup
Eating a little meat will help you to lose some weight. Soup, beef broth made of tomato and vegetables will eliminate hunger thanks to its high ratio of protein and fiber . Foods rich in protein and fiber take longer time to digest, thereby prolonging the feeling of fullness and reduces eating throughout the day. As with most soups, it is best homemade one using a meat that free of fat by 85% or more , eat no more than 3-5 ounces of red meat every ten days or so.
2. Vegetable Soup
Vegetable Soup is low-calorie and full of fiber, so it’s resistant to hunger, vegetable soup is the best friend for those who wish to lose weight not to mention that it is rich in vitamins and nutrients and other beneficial. Vegetable soup also helps to promote fullness, because of its high content of fiber, which helps to encourage less food consuming and feeling more comfortable and prevent consuming unhealthy snacking later.
Delicious soups for a healthy diet
3. Cabbage & white beans soup
Cabbage foods famous of being rich in nutrients such as vitamin K, which is important for strong bones, and vitamin C, which boosts immunity. One cup of chopped cabbage contains only 33 calories. However cabbage is a vegetarian source of protein such as white beans (which contains 17 grams of protein per half cup) will give your body energy during the exercises and the ability to refreshing it more efficiently afterwards.
Delicious soups for a healthy diet
The post 3 Delicious soups for a healthy diet appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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