Best hair colors for Spring 2016
Spring 2016 season came up with the latest fashion hair colors which are filled with riches and rich multi-color and bold colors as well to break the boredom of routine popular appearance for women to show bright and elegantly modern with new colors.
“What woman needs” offer your the latest hair color for spring 2016 , choose the ones that match with you and make you look attractive and trendy:
hair colors for Spring 2016
hair colors for Spring 2016
· Dip-dyed look: If your hair is dyed and tired of these lots of dyes, you can adopt this new appearance through hair parties dye only the front to create an Ombre look with one of the bright colors as pink or green .
· Pastel glamour look: it’s characterized by the appearance of dying hair with colors of quite pastel through the selection of all grades of light colors for bright look, and dying the entire hair out for the courage appearance, and pastel colors are a smart way to renew your look for summer to seeing you bright and modern.
· Pink-copper ecaille: the integration between the gorgeous copper color, pink, the most popular colors for this season, as it gives the hair a spectacular color shine through its full integration of the two colors that appear impressive outcome.
hair colors for Spring 2016
· Color melting look: If you are looking for a classic color for your hair, you can adopt this technique to choose the hair color of dark brown and add other multiple colors inside to melt with hair color and give a unique tones, it is also suitable for female of thinning hair, where the hair shows with the overlapping shades are heavy and shiny .
· Strawberry blond: strawberry blonde appearance commensurate with blondes to give a rich influence of attractive color.
· Bold burgundy: adopt the burgundy wonderful color, which is commensurate with the dark-skinned so elegant, to create a modern classic look with a Ombre glance of red and purple nested in a wonderful way.
hair colors for Spring 2016
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