The best health tips during your menstrual cycle
Many women suffer from troublesome symptoms of pre-menstrual , foremost of which is the mood disorder and swelling of the body , increases women’s sense of instability and tension, and pain in the joints, muscles and back, and an increase in fluid retention, which leads to enlarge breasts pain. So it’s important to eat a particular food to compensate the iron and vitamins loss on blood. besides, The flow of blood between 5 – 7 days cause women more pain and infect tired and fatigue. here are best tips for recovering your body of the loss iron:
health tips during your menstrual cycle
health tips during your menstrual cycle
– you should eat a lot of green vegetables such as watercress, spinach and broccoli, it helps to calm the contractions resulting from menstrual pain.
– Stay away from habits that may affect the absorption of iron in the body, such as eating foods that contain calcium with those of iron at the same time, because they affect the absorption of iron.
– take off Tea and coffee drinks that negatively affect the absorption of iron.
– Be careful to add sources of vitamin C to foods that contain iron, it enhances the absorption such as bell peppers.
– Deal with a lot of rich food sources of iron during the period, such as the liver, red meat, chicken, fish, leafy vegetables watercress, spinach, molasses, brown rice, legumes, lentils, beans, nuts and seeds, dried fruits and raisins.
– Eating foods that contain omega-3 such as salmon, flax seeds, which works to alleviate the pain of your cycle.
health tips during your menstrual cycle
– Drinking natural juices that benefit the health of the body in general.
– Taking supplements containing iron and prescribed by a doctor, so as to increase the low levels of iron in the body.
Finally, stay away from drinking soft drinks.
health tips during your menstrual cycle
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