Tips in choosing the right hair color for you
If you want to change your look and get the stylish new look, the easiest way to do this is by changing the color of your hair, but choosing the right color is very important, there are many things that must be followed to choose the right color. Here are some steps you can follow to make sure for choosing appropriate dye color:
the right hair color
the right hair color
Your skin color:
If the color of your skin is dark or brown, the dark colors will suit more with your hair.
If the color of your skin is rosy white , avoid gold and red colors, and choose the gray colors.
If the color of your skin is pale, most of the colors will fit with your hair.
If your skin is very pale , you can avoid all dark colors as black , which will make you paler.
But if your skin is white, avoid yellow colors. And choose a brown, orange and copper grades , and you can make some golden tuft.
Your eyes color:
If eyes color is brown or green, it’s prefer to have a hair color with warm colors such as red and gold, gray, chestnut brown copper.
If your eyes color is of blue or gray, it’s prefer to color your hair with cold colors as golden, purple, gray.
the right hair color
the right hair color
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