Important Health Tips Before your wedding day
The pride need to take care of the quantity and quality of food that she eat before her wedding by weeks, as well as making sure to practice about half an hour of exercise daily, These two things are considered of the most prominent features of healthy living to help you enjoy sparkling look in your wedding day . On this issue , There is always a healthy tips you can follow before your wedding, including:
Health Tips Before your wedding day
Health Tips Before your wedding day
– Eat products and baked goods & pasta from whole wheat, as well as full rice.
– Avoid white and other fatty sauces and ketchup, you can replace with tomato sauce .
– If you have your lunch at the restaurant, Stay away from bread, you can replace with a plate of fresh salads.
– Avoid soft drinks and juices, even if it is fresh juices.
– Eat food that are baked in the oven, or grilled or steamed, rather than the fried food.
– Depend on good sources of protein, such as beef steaks, chickens without skin and fillet of fish, instead of lamb and chicken drumsticks and wings.
Health Tips Before your wedding day
– Avoid the salads types which are marinated with sauce of mayonnaise and full-fat cheese with a lot of oil, and replace with those prepared of a little olive oil, mustard, lemon or vinegar sauce.
– Limit the intake of sugars, including ice cream, chocolate, sweets and candies, replace by various kinds of fruits.
– Replace full-fat milk products, including milk, cheese, milk, with light cream products.
Health Tips Before your wedding day
The post Important Health Tips Before your wedding day appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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