Awesome recipe of Pokemon Cupcake for your kids
Pokemon is no longer just only a game for your kids or application on your phone. Impress your family and all your friends through preparing Pokemon Cupcake delicious recipe on this the easy way.
recipe of Pokemon Cupcake
recipe of Pokemon Cupcake
3 eggs
1 cup water
1/2 cup oil
Chocolate sauce
4 red food colors
4 Black food colors
Cupcake paper
Also see:Delicious Apples Cupcake recipe step by step
How to prepare
Preheat the oven to a temperature of 350 ° C
Prepare the cupcake paper
Mix cake components (eggs, water and oil in a large bowl)
Mix all the above ingredients in an electric mixer until it turns to be homogeneous
Divide the mixture into two parts , Add the red food color to half of the mixture amount.
put a small white paper to divide each cupcake into two halves
Place 2 tablespoons of red dough on the side and 2 tablespoons of white dough on the other side of the mold
recipe of Pokemon Cupcake
Repeat the process until the end of the amount of dough
Remove the interval paper between two colors
Take the cupcakes into the oven for 15-19 minutes or until well done.
Leave to cool 10 minutes and remove from papers
Using a small spoon, make a small hole in the middle of the cupcake
Place the chocolate sauce in it using decorating tool
Draw a line between the two white and red colors with chocolate sauce
Fill the hole created in the middle of the cake with chocolate sauce, Complete the rest of the Pokemon shape.
recipe of Pokemon Cupcake
The post Awesome recipe of Pokemon Cupcake for your kids appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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