Keratin for more volume and long eyelashes
All of us wish to get a thick and long eyelashes, and now you can, of course, instal plastic false eyelashes, but this way need to accuracy and enough time to be able to be fitted properly, as they cause the loss of eyelashes, because of its gum, but what about having get a look that gives you the effect of the plastic false eyelashes without the need to be installed?
Keratin for more volume and long eyelashes
Keratin for more volume and long eyelashes
You can already get this wonderful scene on a natural way by the latest treatment of eyelashes, a keratin treatment, the keratin aims to intensify eyelashes and make their color darker in a natural way, as it gives it a distinctive form and volume.
Also see: 3 Natural oils give your eyelashes more volume
Keratin for more volume and long eyelashes
According to the professional expert of eyelashes “Elysee Zhadikpur”, the result lasts between 8 and 12 weeks, which is easy, since cosmetic expert applied keratin on the lashes accurately , and when you remove it, you are going to surprise of the wonderful result.
Keratin for more volume and long eyelashes
The post Keratin for more volume and long eyelashes appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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