Super Detox Drink lose weight in just two days
Here’s a recipe of natural drink works to remove toxins from your body, and help you lose weight in just two days.
Detox Drink lose weight
Detox Drink lose weight
two tablespoons of lemon juice
Teaspoon ginger
Teaspoon red chili
300 ml of water
In a blender, mix all ingredients well and drink this mix the evening before going to sleep.
The benefits of this Super Detox:
Ginger is very effective diuretic and it is rich in antioxidants, which help to eliminate toxins through urination and sweating. When toxins accumulate in the body, your body works to gain weight and change the color of skin and accelerate your age and even the appearance of certain diseases. ginger helps you lose weight because it raises the body temperature , which make your body use its stock of fat to restore the natural temperature of the body. But it is not recommended for people who suffer from heart disease, diabetes and blood diseases. its advised for those who are taking certain medications to consult a doctor before having it.
Also see: 3 Healthy detoxes to Flatten your belly
Detox Drink lose weight
The lemon is rich in antioxidants and highly effective diuretic works on cleaning the kidneys and removes toxins from the blood. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals that enhance the immune system and prevent diseases.
Red pepper “chili” is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin A, C, manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium and other very useful elements for the body. It is also very effectiveness remover of toxins in the body, and helps get rid of toxins accumulated during the day and increases the absorption of nutrients through the body tissue. The high content of antioxidants help to purify the blood, lighten the color of skin and prevent aging of the skin. But people who are allergic to red peppers or who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or hemorrhoids syndrome from eating this kind of spice is not recommended.
Detox Drink lose weight
The post Super Detox Drink lose weight in just two days appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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