DIY homemade recipes to get rid of acne
We notice that greek women are enjoying the supple and pure skin, completely free of acne. Perhaps the secret behind it is their dependence on the Greek recipe to get rid of acne.
As for the secret to this recipe, it contains on the Greek yogurt, which gives their skin freshness and glowing; plus it is effective nutritious for skin, and contains a substance called “probiotics”, which fights acne, contain on lactic and hydroxy-alpha, which helps to exfoliate your skin and remove dead cells. We can certainly replace the Greek yogurt with fresh yogurt rich in probiotics acid , to get the greek women skin , these are easy ways. Here are popular greek masks , which gives the skin freshness:
homemade recipes to get rid of acne
homemade recipes to get rid of acne
• The first mask: yogurt mask:
Take one capsule of probiotics acid available in pharmacies, mix well with 3 tablespoons of yogurt in a small bowl, apply this mixture on your clean skin with cotton, leave this mixture on your skin to dry, After that you can wash and clean your skin with lukewarm water to feel freshness on your skin.
Also see: Magical mask to lighten the face and neck skin at the same time
homemade recipes to get rid of acne
• The second mask: mask of Oatmeal:
Oats also help get rid of the infections, which infect the skin as redness or harshness; so it is wonderful calming for the skin. All you have to do to take advantage of oats in the freshness of your skin is:
Mix third cup of oatmeal + 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt +2 tablespoon of honey + egg yolk + half a cup of hot water until you get a soft dough.
leave it to cool slightly, then put them on your skin, leave it until dry, then wash your skin with lukewarm water, wash your skin with rose water, and do not forget to apply the proper moisturizer cream to complete the process of moistened
homemade recipes to get rid of acne
The post DIY homemade recipes to get rid of acne appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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