Elegant evening nails polish designs 2016
Is not the dream of all women getting a naturally shiny nails ? This is why we regularly visit the beauty salon to get their own care. But there is a very easy way to ensure you have healthy , shiny and long nails in your house. Nail file! This method is not only soften your nails, but also stimulate blood circulation in all the nails, which helps to make them grow faster. Here are some things you need to know about polishing nails or filing them.
evening nails polish designs
evening nails polish designs
Begin by rubbing the file on the surface of your fingernail. But remember not to pass it more than 4 or 5 times only on each fingernail. Once you finish that, rub your nails using cotton.
Also see: The best nail care tips for clean and healthy nails
Filing the nails will help to get rid of dead skin surface and will soften the rough edges of your nails. While doing that consistently, you’ll notice that your nails become soft and shiny immediately!
When the surface of your nails become smooth, you nail will accept nail polish on better way and last longer. If you decide not to apply nail polish on your nails, do not worry; your nails look very shiny. We recommend choosing French nail polish and show off your beautiful nails.
evening nails polish designs
Repeat this step once a month, and do not exaggerate , because you can hurt your nails. Chose the nail file, which contains 3 sides; each side has its own work.
evening nails polish designs
The post Elegant evening nails polish designs 2016 appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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