What are the foods that cause acidity in the stomach?
Acidity in the stomach as well as gastroenteritis has become a very common gastrointestinal problem, because of the stress and tension and bad quality of food as well. In this article we will define you the foods that produce acidity in the stomach, which can be avoided.
foods that cause acidity
foods that cause acidity
Fried foods
French fries or fried chicken:These dishes are bad for many reasons, but particularly because it brings a significant amount of trans fatty acids. It has the potential to cause pain and problems in the digestive system at the same moment we eat them.
Also see: Natural Drinks to cure stomach acid and bloating
It’s a drink, that we consume a large amount everyday, especially if we have been working a lot. Although it saves energy and allows us to avoid sleep, but this drink is not good for the health. as high percentage of caffeine contained in coffee paid stomach to secrete more acids, and so after drinking coffee starts feeling heartburn.
foods that cause acidity
Pastries and bread
We also point out the small cakes and candy and everything made of the white flour. All these foods create a more acidic environment in the stomach. The situation is compounded if these products contain coloring and chemicals.
So it’s good that you can avoid all kinds of dishes that contain large amounts of sugar and white flour (refined) because they increase the amount of acid in the stomach and cause terrible symptoms.
Soft drinks
Soft drinks especially Coca-Cola contain on a lot of caffeine, so to have the same effects of coffee. Add that the soft drinks generally increases the pressure on the stomach, thus increasing the acidity problem. Mineral water or non-carbonated cold drinks are healthy alternatives, that can help you not feel thirsty and at the same time moisturize your body.
foods that cause acidity
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