Simple and easy Cheeseburger Wraps recipe
Today , we will present you a delicious burger recipe, wrapped cheeseburger recipe , you can enjoy with your family. Time of preparation is 25 minutes, this recipe is enough for 5 people, here are the Ingredients and how to prepare;
easy Cheeseburger Wraps recipe
easy Cheeseburger Wraps recipe
500 g minced meat
2 large spoon tomato sauce
1 Tablespoon mustard
Teaspoon dried minced onion
A large spoon Worcester sauce
Salt and black pepper
5 tortilla chips
1 1/2 cups cheddar cheese
Tomato slices
Pickled cucumber slices
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easy Cheeseburger Wraps recipe
How to prepare
In a large skillet , Put tablespoon of oil, then add minced meat and stir until it turns to the brown color .
Add tomato sauce , mustard and Worcester sauce, onion powder, salt and black pepper and still stirring , then leave the mixture on the fire until the meat is cooked.
Spread tortilla chips and distribute cheese in the middle of each one lengthwise.
Distributed the meat mixture and add additions (tomatoes, lettuce, ketchup) as desired and then wrapped in a good tortilla.
Place chips in electric grill until the cheese melts and present hot .
easy Cheeseburger Wraps recipe
The post Simple and easy Cheeseburger Wraps recipe appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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