DIY homemade natural Mascara step by step
Many women suffer from allergies to substances that may be used in the manufacture of makeup and especially mascara , which applied to the eyelashes, as the Eyes are one of the more sensitive organ of the body and any strong material used in making the product will hurt the eyes, therefore, Today “What woman needs: helps you to prepare a natural mascara in the house for long and beautiful eyelashes.
DIY homemade natural Mascara
DIY homemade natural Mascara
The first recipe
– Prepare a clean bowl to mix the following components, and to reserve this mix for a later time.
– Put a tablespoon of petroleum jelly in a bowl.
Also see: 3 Natural oils give your eyelashes more volume
– Mix the ingredients together well to max and be a unique component.
– Bring a used clean mascara brush, pass on this mixture, then apply on your lashes to get the perfect long and beautiful eyes.
DIY homemade natural Mascara
The second recipe
– Preheat a small cup of water on the fire.
– In this hot water , mix a teaspoon of natural honey.
– After honeymoon dissolve, Add amount of kohl , Mix ingredients together well so you can see powerful black color.
– Bring a clean mascara brush and dip in the mixture , then apply on your lashes, Enjoy a long and normal lashes.
DIY homemade natural Mascara
The post DIY homemade natural Mascara step by step appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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