Top foods & drinks reduce excess hair growth
Excess hair growth in undesirable areas is of the biggest problems facing women; because it depressed woman , as the women’s elegance and beauty of the things that is interest her; because she always want to appear beautiful.
foods & drinks reduce excess hair growth
foods & drinks reduce excess hair growth
You should reduce eating a lot of meat that contain the proteins, which works to cause an imbalance in the body’s hormones, so you should reduce the intake of meat, while eating a lot of fish, poultry without skin and low-fat cheese and vegetable protein as legumes.
You should eat foods that contain cod liver oil, olive oil, fish oil, and foods that contain omega-3, and should stop eating foods that contain hydrogenated oils, which operate on PCOS causes excessive hair growth.While the sugars and starches, soft drinks and sweets containing on the large amounts of carbohydrates, which secrete insulin in the body, which works to increase the male hormone androgen in a woman’s body.
foods & drinks reduce excess hair growth
The most important drinks and foods that are working to reduce the excess hair growth including:
• Nuts: Although the many benefits of nuts; because they are rich in vitamins needed by the body, they contain elements capable of reducing excess hair growth of the body, so try eating nuts throughout the year.
• Lettuce: Eating lettuce in abundance during the meals works on the balance of the insulin” hormone ; because it has a very beneficial nutrients, including: chromium component, which serves to reduce the proportion of excess hair in the body.
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• Apricot: a woman’s body gets many elements from eating apricots, such as: Vitamin (b 3) , (b 5) and (6), and also regulates the body hormones, in addition to the wonderful taste and other benefits.
• mint green: it’s working to reduce the production of testosterone in a woman’s body, which is testosterone, which results in the reduction of terminal hair growth.
• Green tea: works to regulate hormones; because it contains a very useful natural ingredients.
• Cinnamon: taken daily as a drink or added to foods treats disorders that occur in hormones, and working to increase the insulin receptor and rationalizing the consumption of glucose in the blood, also reduces excess hair growth.
foods & drinks reduce excess hair growth
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