Finally get rid of the dark spots in the neck and armpits in 15 minutes
Men and women face the problem of dark spots these appear as a result of several reasons, including the sun , as for the armpit dark spots, its because of the use of deodorants and also several other reasons , There have many treatments of the dark spots, but they contain chemicals that may cause danger to human skin, there is no need anymore to go to buy these expensive treatments , as there are some natural homemade solutions, here are two of them:.
the dark spots in the neck and armpits
the dark spots in the neck and armpits
The first method:
A tablespoon of baking soda.
A tablespoon of salt.
A tablespoon of olive oil.
Also see: 3 homemade recipes save you from dark armpits
the dark spots in the neck and armpits
The second method:
This method is also effective and the results are very startling, but what distinguishes the previous way , it’s easy with savings components
A bowl of white clay.
A little of milk
Mix the ingredients well , then place on the area you want to get rid of the dark spots , leave about a quarter an hour (15 minutes) , then wash with cold water.
Use Any one of the previous recipes for at least 3 times a week. Be careful of too much exposure to the sun rays.
the dark spots in the neck and armpits
The post Finally get rid of the dark spots in the neck and armpits in 15 minutes appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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