Cope with the cold weather
Cope with the cold weather
With decreasing temperatures, every human being is looking at all possible ways in order to keep the warmth in his body and raising the temperature. There is no better way than relying on the body’s natural abilities themselves to this end.
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So “What woman needs” provides you these four best natural ways to raise the body temperature:
1. Keep Moving and exercises
Movement and Sports are of the best ways to raise the body temperature, according to the site, “Live Strong.” The workouts raise muscle temperature, which of course reflected on the rest of the body. Although it is widely believed that the body heating increases efficiency and improves the results of the exercises.
Cope with the cold weather
2. Dry your body
Drying the body should at the earliest opportunity. as sweet come out with the body temperature, but humidity makes it cools quickly. So make sure to dry your body of sweet before it cools down over your body.
3. Drink lots of water
The water not only cools the body in the summer hot time, but it also helps the body when it is too cold. When the inspiration enters into the body the amount of cold air reduces body temperature. But the water prevents it. So sure to drink between 7 and 10 ounces of water every 10 to 20 minutes during physical activity outdoors.
4. Do not resist Shivering
Better to leave the body Shivering and not to resist that. As Shivering is a natural process to raise the body temperature through the muscle movements. It is the safest method to be adopted by the body to raise the temperature.
Cope with the cold weather
The post 4 Natural ways to Cope with the cold weather appeared first on What Woman Needs.
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